Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Things are getting slightly better.

But I guess they always do at some point.
Hopefully I can keep things from being too depressing.
I'm glad summer is here. More time out in the sun to be distracted from myself.

I said something stupid yesterday.
I regret it with every fiber of by being.
But I guess what has been said, has been said...

I wish I wasn't so awkward.

I feel kind of lost in the universe at this point. I guess the feeling isn't as bad as it was before,
but I still feel lost.

Maybe I just need to get over myself?
I guess that's an option.

Things with Daniel are still going really weird.
I'm not sure if we are even talking or if our last attempt at reconciliation
was just because he needed me again...
Just for that brief incident with his bf...

I know it's terrible, but I wish he felt like he needed me more often.
Even though I know he's using me I still care so much about him.
I'm a loser.

I'm going camping soon,
I hope that I can enjoy it with all the family there...
I hope I'll be allowed to set my tent up away from everyone.
Not that I don't want to spend time with the family, or family friends,
but they just don't understand me.

Hopefully there is a river somewhere close by. That would be nice. I know there's a pond somewhere, but that isn't as exciting. :(

I'm getting pretty irritated with my foot. I can't believe it's going to be 2+ years until I am able to use it again...
I feel so helpless.

Blah. I was going to write positive things, and this is what I wrote.

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