Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Have you ever wished that you could be someone else?

I'm sure everyone has, but more and more I have started to feel this way.

I used to like who I was, even though I was strange and funny looking, inside I was a good person, with a good heart, and I wanted to do the right things.

Now I don't even know what I believe anymore. Right and wrong confuse me, and I feel like with each passing day, I know less and less about life, and love, and happiness.

Perhaps this is just a symptom of growing up. I hope it isn't, as I would love to feel like I understand something for once.

I wish I had someone I could explain these things to, but when I try I feel guilty, like I should be listening instead of talking. I feel like when they find out what I really think, what I really feel, slowly our friendship will dissolve, and I will be alone again.

I wish childhood could have lasted longer. I used to have the world figured out. It made my soul sing and my heart thump, and I was happy.

I really need to start getting out more >.< I think I am losing myself in a sea of nothingness.

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