Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I watch out the front window of my apartment as it rains, wondering what life would be like as a raindrop. Freeing but fleeting as I hurled to the ground, not even given a second to wonder if this is indeed the life I was meant to lead.

I wonder if I would continue on in the puddle, huddled together as more of my brothers and sisters shot downward toward me.

Would I be happy? Sitting there would I dream of being in a lake or even in the ocean, or would my mind be blank, never to wonder, never to wander, to be still and unwavering?

Would I be able to feel fear, as my friends and family left my side and floated up to the sky in a brand new form? Or would I be happy as I rained down on plants who joyously sang of my arrival?

What would I be like if I was a raindrop? Would I feel complete, and with purpose, or would I feel sorrow for having to watch everything I know disapear?

If I was a raindrop, would I be happier than I am now?

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